Spilo is a stateful appliance, therefore you may need to update certain componenents from time to time. Examples of these updates are:

  • Update Taupage AMI
  • PostgreSQL minor upgrade (e.g. 9.4.4 to 9.4.5)
  • Spilo Patch (e.g. spilo94:0.76-p1 to spilo94:0.76-p3)
  • Bigger EBS volumes (e.g. 50 GB to 100 GB)

Update the configuration

  • Senza: Updating Taupage AMI To change the configuration of Spilo you need to change the Cloud Formation Stack or the Launch Configuration of Spilo.

Apply the configuration

This is a two step process:

  • Use senza patch to update the Launch Configuration of Spilo
  • Rotate the Spilo replica's
    • Terminate a Spilo replica
    • Wait for the new replica to be available and replicating
    • Repeat for other replica(s)
  • Failover Spilo
  • After succesfull failover: Terminate the previous master

All newly launched EC2 instances will now be using the updated Taupage AMI.